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VS2015 – Delete all comments in a file with Roslyn: A practical example of code refactoring

The problem with the default VS2015 templates is that the compiler isn't actually copied to the outdir_PublishedWebsites\tfr\bin\roslyn\ directory, but rather the outdir\roslyn\ directory. This is likely different from your local environment since AppHarbor builds apps using an output directory instead of building the solution "in-place".

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Unable to copy file "D:\Sealogical New Website\SealogicalWebsite\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\tools\csc.exe" to "bin\roslyn\csc.exe". Access to the path 'bin\roslyn\csc.exe' is denied. SealogicalWebsite

VS2015 – Delete all comments in a file with  Roslyn

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Unable to copy file "D:\Sealogical New Website\SealogicalWebsite\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\tools\VBCSCompiler.exe" to "bin\roslyn\VBCSCompiler.exe". Access to the path 'bin\roslyn\VBCSCompiler.exe' is denied. SealogicalWebsite

Code style analyzers are built into Visual Studio. The analyzer's diagnostic ID, or code format is IDExxxx, for example, IDE0001. You can configure preferences in the text editor options page or in an EditorConfig file. Starting in .NET 5.0, code style analyzers are included with the .NET SDK and can be strictly enforced as build warnings or errors. For more information, see Overview of .NET source code analysis.

While writing Silon, I had to overcome number of challenges. You can see the full details in the comments & commit history of this repo, and in some cases in [bugs I filed in the LESS compiler]( =%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+author%3ASLaks). Here are some of the more interesting ones. ##Nested XOR As described above, my operation mixins can take either simple selectors or further logical operations as their operand parameters. For the most part, this is simple. For AND operations, I can simply concatenate the parts together using sibling combinators (``). For OR operations, I can simply select each operand separately, and the LESS...

Jekyll is a very nice system for writing blogs. However, it does have some shortcomings, particularly in the Liquid templating engine. In this post, I will talk about how to write about Liquid tags within a Liquid file (such as a Jekyll blog post). The problem is that writing Liquid syntax such as tags or variables in the content will cause Liquid to interpret them as commands, and break evertything. This problem can occur when writing a blog post about Liquid itself (such as this one), or when writing a blog post about code that generates Liquid markup (like I...

One of the easiest ways to get started with Roslyn is by downloading the Visual Studio 2015 Preview and installing it. I'd recommend using a Virtual Machine in order to do so. After that, navigate to the Roslyn Project and download the source code. You should have a folder with several files and folders in it. We are only concerned with the one named Src, so go ahead and navigate to it as shown below.

At Telerik, we've already been working with Roslyn and we will be releasing a new version of JustCode for Visual Studio 2015 that will take advantage of it for enhancing developer productivity. We still have the same great controls for web, desktop and mobile applications that will be ready to go when Visual Studio 2015 is released. Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you have any comments or links to share, feel free to leave them below.

When I run each file against this table, it will create a record with a uniquevalue column [a] in this table. Now if I run the 8 files in sequence, it will takeat least 80 seconds to finish because in each file, there is a WAITFOR 10 secondsstatement.

As mentioned, because NuGet modifies the project file with the relative location of the references, every time you update, it has to edit the project file. This is slow and can lead to merge conflicts across branches.

The ReadMe is fairly detailed, but for the majority of projects, if you have a NuSpec file whose filename matches your project name (like MyAwesomeLibrary.csproj with a MyAwesomeLibrary.nuspec sitting somewhere under the .sln dir), adding the reference should be all you need.

First, I could remove the AssemblyInfo.cs that I already had in my project and add the appropriate attributes to the csproj file. Since I am converting a .Net Framework project in place with a new solution and csproj file, this will not work for me. I am left with the second option.

My team was recently working on our installer when we ran into a return code from one of our pre-requisites (specifically the Visual C++ 2015 Runtime). From the logs, we found the error code was 0x80070666 and the return code was 0x666 (a newer version of the runtime was installed). We could easily handle this scenario, but we were looking to find an extensive list of return codes for the C++ redistributables and could not easily find them. Eventually we ran across the list of MsiExec.exe and InstMsi.exe Error Messages and figured out why our searches were yielding no results. The error codes in the log files are all in hex and the error codes on the website are all in decimal. So, to help others with this in the future, here is a list of all of the error codes from that link with their hex equivalent.

You can use the default UI that is available in the WiX toolset but with bigger projects (and in this demo) you can create your own UI and flow. Even the UI is defined in XML and has the same wxs extension. Another reason to split up your installer code in different files to keep the overview.

No, no, you're thinking about this the wrong way around. The C++ compiler does in parallel a thousand times as much work as the C# compiler does serially. There's no need to offer parallel C# compilation because C# compilation just isn't ridiculously over-expensive and with pointless inter-file boundaries. Furthermore, we do compile assemblies in parallel, which is much easier and more equivalent to what the C++ compiler does.

For bigger and more complex solutions than "Hello World" scenarios the XAML-Designer doesn't work correctly. Even worse, it hangs from time to time while editing XAML code and will slow you down. Another pain is, that it could mess up your XAML file when you accidentally move elements in it. If you can live without it, then do yourself a favor and disable it.

You can install ScriptCS in minutes with the Chocolatey Package Manager or OneGet with Chocolatey on Windows 10. In the screenshot above I'm writing code at the command prompt, making mistakes, and fixing them. It's a great way to learn and play with C#, but it's also VERY powerful. You can create C# Scripts (.csx files) kind of like PowerShell but it's just C#!

Of course, F# has always had a REPL called "fsi.exe" that also ships with VS. You may have this on your PATH and not realize it, in fact. F# script files are ".fsx" so there's a nice symmetry with scripting and REPLs available in both languages, either in VS itself, or at the command line.

The readme file says that to build the libraries you'll need Visual Studio 2015, but that's not actually true. You can build the .NET Compiler Platform just fine with only Visual Studio 2013 using the special Roslyn2013.sln solution file they've provided. In fact, it's just a simple two-command process. Make sure to run these commands from a Visual Studio command prompt. First you have to restore the NuGet packages and then build the solution. You might get some warnings about missing FxCop, but those are safe to ignore. From the \src directory in the repository run:

By now you've hopefully thought of some use cases for the new scripting capability. My personal favorite at the moment is using this to drive configuration files. Instead of configuring your application using XML or JSON, why not set up a scripting environment and let your users (or you) write code to configure the application. If this interests you, I should also mention ConfigR which does exactly this while abstracting away many of the details. Any post on C# scripting would also be incomplete without a mention of scriptcs which provides a REPL for you to use on the command line for executing your own script files.

Since I was tired having all of my user code mixed with VisualStudio one, I created DeCodEx to split an old-style source file into User+Designer partial files.Splitting is accomplished by moving regions, fields and methods from the original Form1.vb (or .cs) to the new Form1.Designer.vb (.cs) file.Moved blocks can be even left commented in the original file (see picture below).

As for the new language features issue, its something that will require a lot of work: the language parser component (from ICSharpCode) has changed a lot meanwhile and, most important, it won't support .NET 2.0 anymore.Since single-source files concept came from the .NET 1.1 ages, DeCodEx was supposed to be used to split those legacy sources (without those new features in).That's why I decided (a long time ago) to skip upgrade...

It may happen, that you uninstall VS 2012, install VS 2013 and then when you create a new web application it behaves very strange, for example it asks for Windows authentication every time. This may be caused because you have created a website with the same name earlier in IIS Express, and its settings are preserver in the configuration file.

Hello Mike, I am new to SonarQube. I connected to SonarQube server from Visual Studio 2017 and bound the solution to project from SonarQube server. This action generated .ruleset files for each project and .sonarlint folder and modified .proj files.My question is, do I need to check-in all the .ruleset files and other changes? Is there a way to get the same issues on the development machine without doing all these changes (adding .ruleset files)?Thank you in advance. 2ff7e9595c

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