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Jan Van Eijck's Computational Semantics With Functional Programming: A Practical Guide to Natural La

Interview about the book. Lambda the Ultimate, 12 feb 2010, commenting on a draft version of the book: "The introductory chapters are probably going to be unnecessary for LtUreaders, but once things get going there is a lot to learn here if youare interested in formal semantics of natural language, especially inthe Montague-style. And if this doesn't ring a bell - just search for'continutation' in the manuscript, and be prepared to meet old friends(you know who you are) in a new context." Sofy Moradi, Teheran, Dec 18, 2010: "Let me use this opportunity to give you my feedback on yourwonderfully nice job: Computational Semantics with FunctionalProgramming. I haven't read the whole book, but I used parts to getfamiliar with some complicated ideas (complicated for me, that is) that were expressed so simply and nice that I really enjoyed my reading. Great job!"Tom Morgan, Australia, Nov 24, 2010: "I think it is a splendid book and I will be happy to sing its praises on Amazon once I have worked through it."

Jan van Eijck has been appointed professor of Computational Semantics at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) on a special chair set up by the Stichting Bèta Plus, as of 1 November 2011.Van Eijck is a senior researcher at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam and was, until recently, part-time professor of Computational Linguistics at UiL-OTS (Research Institute for Language and Speech) in Utrecht. His interests include formal language theory, computational linguistics (especially semantics), functional programming, epistemic logic and social software. One of his contributions to the theory of formal languages is a study of the hierarchy of higher-order quantifiers, in the spirit of Keenan. In his recent book, Computational Semantics with Functional Programming, he uses his findings to determine the scope of quantifiers. Van Eijck is a proponent of using functional programming to give a computational twist to logical analysis. One of the results is the epistemic model checker DEMO, a tool for controlling multi-agent knowledge and belief representation after calculating the effects of communicative actions.For more information, see jve/.

Computational Semantics With Functional Programming Jan Van Eijck

Computing systems become increasingly more complex and handle a variety of different tasks. As our society relies on these systems working correctly, we need formal descriptions of computational models and semantics of programming languages to be able to verify the correctness of computing systems. The computational models that we will study in this course range from the simplest functional model to probabilistic models that underpin statistical phenomena in optimisation and machine learning.

During the course, we will introduce several programming language, all coming with specific kinds of computational models that allow us to give semantics to these languages. This approach allows us to concretely understand the purpose of the corresponding computational model, while we can use the languages to write and run concrete programs. We will find that this variety of computational models and the resulting semantics have recurring patterns. Moreover, with increasing complexity of the models, we will need some framework that helps us organising our work. For that reason, we will also study bits of category theory, which will greatly ease our work with the various computational models. Category theory has become indispensable in the research of language semantics and many other areas of computer science. This means that this course will prepare you for working with modern tools of language theory and beyond.

The course will consist of lectures, complemented programming assignments and a research project.Through the assignments, you will deepen your knowledge about the semantics, learn how they can leaddirectly to an implementation, and you can get familiar with Haskell.In the research project, you will study a complementary topic by reading relevant literature, andsummarising the literature in an essay and a short presentation.

Professor Van Eijck is a senior researcher at the Centrum Wiskunde &Informatica (CWI, centre for mathematics and computer science) and,until recently, was part-time professor of computational linguisticsat UiL-OTS (Research Institute for Language and Speech), Utrecht. Hisinterests include formal language theory, computational linguistics(especially semantics), functional programming, epistemic logic andsocial software. One of his contributions to the theory of formallanguages is a study of the hierarchy of higher-order quantifiers, inthe spirit of Keenan. In his recent book, Computational Semantics withFunctional Programming, he uses his findings to determine the scope ofquantifiers. Van Eijck is a proponent of using functional programmingto give a computational twist to logical analysis. One of the resultsis the epistemic model checker DEMO, a tool for controllingmulti-agent knowledge and belief representation after calculating theeffects of communicative actions.


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